Hi 👋 I am Róża Turowska.
As a product designer, I enjoy identifying user challenges and crafting creative solutions through design, enhancing their experiences and simplifying their lives.

I am also an archer.

My process

Find out what the constraints are

My goals:

  • identify stakeholders
  • Establish a timeline
  • Set proejct's KPIs
Conduct research to find out more about users

My favourite methods:

  • Interviews
  • Observations
Iterative designing and testing

My favourite methods:

  • Low-fi designs (FigJam or Balsamiq)
  • High-fi designs and prototyping (Figma)
  • Co-designing with users and stakeholders


Product design in AI-drug discovery: how to design products for and with scientific users

Read in BenevolentAI blog

Designers and their wireframe habits

137 designers shared their processes and preferences with me. Here is what I’ve learned.
Read in Medium

6 things that I learned from conducting a survey

The story about the power of planning, the need for testing, why shortcuts won’t work, and when to start thinking about how to analyze the data.
Read in Medium

I am proud of my work so let's have a chat about it
